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Personnel interaction

enhances cultural exchanges

Top Rated Organization 2017
Au Pair of the year award 2017
Innvative TEFL/TEACH Abroad

About LoPair China

Founded in 2011, LoPair China has been promoting mutual understanding and intercultural learning through a variety of programs designed to unite, invite, and assist 17-30 years old individuals from approximately 20 countries to enjoy homestay experiences in Chinese families all over this massive country. And we have earned recognition through numerous international youth travel awards

The Only Official Au Pair Award Winning Agency in China

Welcome to Lopair!

LoPair is dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and intercultural learning using various programs to connect, benefit, and empower people.

Lopair Au Pair China

The term “Au Pair” comes from the French "on a par" or "equal to", indicating that the relationship is one of equals. As an Au Pair in China, you will be able to experience China to the fullest by living with a Chinese Host Family (or a foreign family that lives in China). An Au Pair will provide educational assistance such as language tutoring, childcare, and carry out some light household duties. During this experience, Au Pairs will also have the chance to explore the unique aspects of Chinese culture by attending Mandarin classes, culture courses, activities, and much more.

We can allocate you in three great cities at the moment: Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou.

The length of your Au Pair journey in China could be 3 months, 6 months or even up to a year! We can move you to different homes and cities to avoid becoming bored and help you meet more different people and see more different parts of China from multiple perspectives.

Chinese Cultural Course
LoPair EduCare

You will spend 6~12 weeks with a selected Chinese host family and provide them with your educational impact! You will be a good companion to your host siblings or host parents, helping to guide their English learning and organize educational activities. What's more, you can explore China in your free time, either alone or with an EduCare buddy group organized by LoPair. We provide round-trip air tickets, food, and accommodation, plus additional travel bonus if you stay longer than 6 weeks!

Tutor in China
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