If you are child-loving, eager to experience a different culture and are interested in learning Chinese, this program is exactly the right one for you. Like every other au pair, I also had some cultural shocks at the beginning even though I was already aware of cultural differences! However those cultural differences allowed me to learn more about Chinese life. It was a wonderful time and I enjoyed myself a lot. I had a great time with my Host Family - they were just the perfect fit! Playing games with children, reading books to them and simply teaching them English - that’s basically what au pairing in Chinese families is about... Of course you will also experience Chinese life: food and culture when living together with your family. But you should know that being an au pair is a serious job and it’s not about partying! If you’re looking for this, then this is the wrong choice to make... But I guess you already know that! Just be open-minded and try to integrate into the Chinese family, then the experience will be the best of your life!!! Looking back I'm really happy with my decision to come to Shanghai: It’s a great city for sightseeing, for learning Mandarin at Mandarin House (especially learning this unique language made my time as an au pair in China a fantastic experience), meeting new friends (Chinese and expats) and meeting a fabulous host family!!! I will definitely miss mine and really hope they will visit me some day in Germany ✈️!!! That’s what being an au pair is about: taking a new family/ home into your heart and building up a lifelong lasting relationship with them ❤️
